Getting You Back

On Pace

Foot & Ankle

The average person walks more than 100,000 miles in a lifetime. To accomplish this, one’s feet must be strong and stable. But with the constant impact of walking and running, it’s not surprising that the Foot and Ankle are two of the most frequently injured areas of the human body. Almost 80% of the population will experience foot pain in their lives.

At Shore Orthopaedic University Associates, we believe that no one should have to live with painful feet. Our physicians are trained and equipped to diagnose and treat all problems involving the foot and ankle. Some conditions can be remedied through nonsurgical care, but others may require surgical intervention.

Our board certified surgeons and clinical support staff bring together many years of expertise to offer a focused treatment approach and valuable resource for patients. The Foot and Ankle Team specializes in the diagnosis, care and treatment of foot and ankle conditions with an emphasis on conservative alternatives. With a variety of additional services available on-site, our surgeons ensure that patients receive the most appropriate care for orthopedic foot and ankle conditions.


» Ankle Joint Replacement
Ira M. Fox, DPM


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Foot Facts